“What? Hypnotherapists work with Mental Health issues too?!”

I often hear this when I explain what I do as a Hypnotherapist and as the 10th October is World Mental Health Day, I’ve been thinking about how people generally view Hypnotherapy. It seems Hypnotherapy has quite a good reputation for helping people stop smoking (everyone seems to know someone who quit through Hypnotherapy), or for phobias (again we all seem to know someone who couldn’t get on a plane or handle a spider alone before Hypnotherapy) and for losing weight. However Hypnotherapy as a therapy for helping people with their mental health seems much less mainstream.

The ironic thing is that this is most of what I do on a daily basis. I work with clients who are immobilised by Anxiety- whether this be a teen who is unable to get to college to study alongside peers because of social anxiety or an older person who is too afraid to have an important conversation with a loved one because they are afraid of the consequences. I meet clients who are depleted by low mood and depression and who find it a struggle simply to get out of bed and dressed for the day, let alone fly off to the sunshine in an airplane! I also meet clients so dominated by intrusive negative thoughts about themselves that undermines their confidence and self-esteem and prevents them taking the  progressive and forward-focused steps they’d like to take in their careers, relationships and personal interests. And I meet the poor sleepers, the comfort eaters, the obsessive social media or doom scrollers, the problematic drinkers, the hair-pullers, nail-biters, the shopaholics and the shouty parents with tonnes of guilt. So yes, I very much definitely work with clients to improve their Mental Health!

The good news is my approach as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist can be hugely effective for all of the issues above. Simply head over to my testimonials page to hear from some of my previous clients.  Testimonials | Fresh Leaf Hypnotherapy

So, if you are considering Hypnotherapy, we will begin with a no obligation consultation. This can be either in-person or face to face. Should you decide to progress, we will then begin Hypnotherapy sessions together and will work at your pace. There will never too much pressure, criticism or judgement and for these reasons a Hypnotherapy sessions feels like a safe-space in which you can be comfortable to make the changes you need.

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