Thousands of people are stopping smoking this month as part of the UK’s #Stoptober campaign and the good news is, you can too. Here are 10 things you perhaps didn’t know about smoking. All the more reason to make today the day YOU decide to quit for life.
1. We smoke as a result of both brainwashing and chemical addiction
2. It is not as addictive as we are lead to believe. Some scientists estimate the addictive element (nicotine) is only 10% addictive
3. Most people that are hooked as adults disliked the taste of that first cigarette when they were adolescents
4. There is evidence to show that substitutes for smoking eg. gums, patches actually make stopping harder and pangs seem worse
5. Cigarettes kill hundreds of thousands of people more every year than Heroin
6. The UK government makes £8,000,000,000 per annum out of nicotine addiction
7. Smoking affects the brains’ feel-good chemicals. Regular smokers are up to 80% more likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed than non-smokers
8. Smoking is not a relaxant. It is a stimulant. Increasing blood pressure and putting extra strain on the cardiovascular system
9. Smoking increases the chance of contracting 14 different types of cancer. (Not just the lungs)
10. Cigarettes contain Cyanide, Lead, Mercury and Carbon Monoxide
To make an enquiry about stopping smoking using Hypnotherapy or to book your 2 hour ‘Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy’ session and quit for good, contact me today on 07951776608 or